Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to Create Cost Plus Pricing in Sage ERP X3

Sage ERP X3 defines several pricing models out-of-the-box and X3 gives you flexible tools to allow you to define your own custom rules.  Cost Plus pricing is not one of the base pricing models that comes in Sage X3 ERP Standard Edition.   However, Cost Plus pricing can be easily added by following the steps below (instructions are for X3 V6.5):

1.       In X3, you must first define the “Cost Plus” pricing model.   To do this, navigate to the task at Setup>Sales>Price Lists>Setup.   

2.       In the left list, click on the Price List Code “CUST”.   We will be copying this record.

3.       In the Price List Code field on the right screen, change the value “CUST” to “CSTPLS” and the description to “Cost Plus”.   Change the Reason to 16 for "Cost Plus Price".

4.       On the Criteria tab in the Criteria grid, right click and delete the SPRICLINK file.

5.       On the Price/free tab, change the “Price Processing” field to “Factor”  (this is sometimes called coefficient).

6.       In the base price field, enter the cost that you want to use for the markup.   For average cost, enter the value “[F:ITV]AVC”.   For standard cost, enter the value "[F:ITC]VLTTOT".   Note that you can also right click on this field and select the cost using the formula wizard.   The cost fields are stored in the ITMMVT table.    When you have completed this step, your end result should look something like the following:

 Next, you can define which products that you want to price with Cost Plus pricing.   This is done by clicking on the menu Sales>Price lists>Price List Entry.    Use the following steps to create the price.

1.       In the Transaction Selection screen, select the “CSTPLS” pricing model that you created earlier.

2.       Click on the New Button.

3.       Enter a validity date range.

4.       Enter a product and a qty range.

5.       In the coefficient field, enter the markup factor as a decimal.    For instance, if you want a markup of 5%, enter  “1.05” as the coefficient.   

 Note: If you sale unit is different from your stock unit, then your coefficient should start with the unit conversion factor.   For instance, if you stock in EA, but the sale unit is CASE (of 12), then your coefficient would start at 12.  This is because the cost is stored in the stock unit of measure.   Therefore, you need the coefficient convert this cost to the SAL unit in addition to any markup.   For this example, for a 5% markup on each case, the coefficient would be 12.6000.
Once you have completed these steps, your Cost-Plus price is ready to use.


  1. Great article about Sage ERP X3 - thanks for the tips... Very useful!

  2. thanks.. keep posting new articles please

  3. What should the formula be in case I'm using Lot avg cost
