Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Void a Check in Sage ERP X3

Voiding an Accounts Payable check in X3 is a simple process, but unfortunately the option is not conspicuous and is therefore the steps are sometimes forgotten.  The steps for voiding a check are as follows:

1. Go to the task A/P-A/R accounting>Payments>Payment/receipt Entry.

2. Select the transaction type.   In this example, I am using the transaction "PAYAT Automatic Check Issue" because the check that I wish to void was printed in a batch.

3. Below is a screen shot of my payment.   The key information that I am looking for is the status and whether there is a check number.   This information will determine the next step the process.

4. There are many different status that a payment record can have.   In this blog, we are only discussing the 2 most common statuses,  "Entered" and "In the Bank".
       a.  Entered Status - If a payment has a check number and has the "Entered" status, then a check has been printed, but it has not yet been posted.   In this case, the check can be voided from the Option menu by selecting "Check Void".   This feature removes check number from the payment record. 
     b. "In the Bank" Status - If a payment has this status, then it has been posted and ledger entries exist for this check.   In this case, you would select "Accounting cancellation" from the Options menu.   This feature will first reverse the ledger entries for the check and then remove the check form the payment record.